
Apple Cider Vinegar with healthy choice part3

Apple Cider Vinegar makes you to refreshing.

- The Apple Cider Vinegar makes you to refreshing.

If you want to refreshing after exercising or sweating, you should drink the Apple Cider Vinegar 15CC (1 tablespoon) mixed with honey 15CC and dissolved in water, then drink immediately.  This vinegar will make it feel fresh and energetic.

Apple Cider is also a result as the antibiotic

- The Apple Cider is also a result as the antibiotic

This vinegar can be used to reduce infection in the throat, if you have a sore throat. By Mix it 15 CC with warm water, then gargle every 1-2 hour, this vinegar will help relieve symptoms as well.

So many of these properties, it make the Apple Cider Vinegar has been widely used. However, in the case of patients with kidney disease, you may need to consult a doctor before each use.

These recipes, you should study it well before using it and consult a specialist to your good health. If you have not studied it thoroughly, this may be harmful to you, best wishes from us.